some people think it
is the doom of a generation—
this speck on the face of a speck.
some people say they see
a cleansing flame—this
thing that punishes the rich
and the old first—and the travellers
and the republicans and the chinese and it shows
that we were right all along about
everything. this speck on the speck
of a speck
sword aflame and raised
and some people pray for a return to
the law as they thought it was—
science and experts and the man
from hope playing saxophone they
tremble that we would continue lurching
towards the abyss—
but never was there any law like that—
we can’t go back to where we never were.
the virus is an angel oh
the virus is an angel
so many of us wish it
to the core of ourselves—
fear and uncomprehension
and extraordinary signs—
takes come in their thousands every day
but no one knows shit
and no one was ready
no one is ready oh
we will hear soon enough.